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Student Behavior Policy

  1. Dress appropriately, use common sense, and be modest (see Dress Code above)
  2. Report to class on time.
  3. No electronics/phones out during class without teacher permission.
  4. No eating in class.
  5. Treat teachers and classmates with respect both in actions and language. This includes being attentive and compliant in class.
  6. Treat facility property with respect. Students caught disrespecting or damaging facility property may be required to write a letter of apology and/or financially account for damages.
  7. No cheating or plagiarism. Consequences will range from a warning and a request for resubmission to a zero on the assignment. Multiple offenses will result in progressively more severe consequences including possible dismissal.
  8. Do not leave campus during scheduled class times without permission.
  9. Remain in areas designated for classroom/school use. Do not wander around the facility or campus outside of designated areas for your age group.
  10. Facility vending machines, ice machines, kitchen equipment, utensils, coffee, and coffee supplies are for facility use only. Do not use or take these items. See policy “6” above.
  11. No stealing, swearing, or aggressive behavior.
  12. No public display of affection.
  13. No physical or emotional assault or bullying.
  14. Do not bring any object to school that may be considered dangerous or a weapon.
  15. Do not bring alcohol, illegal drugs (or paraphernalia), or prescription drugs to school.